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How to use this test suite

The purpose of this test suite is to test an issued Verifiable Credential for conformance with the VC data model 1.1 or 2.0 specifications. Simply paste a valid JSON payload and click on Validate JSON. This will bring you to a Credential Summary screen with a visual representation of the parsed and validated payload. Click on See Test Results to get access to the full conformance test results.

Verifiable Presentations

A Verifiable Presentation (VP) is derived from one or more Verifiable Credentials (VC) issued by one or more issuers. For example, a VP may contain assertions proving the holder’s identity, address, and proof of income, derived from 3 different VCs from different issuers. Try it out with the VP sample provided!

Testing for conformity with v1.1 versus v2.0 of the specification

DTT relies on the context provided in a Verifiable Credential payload to determine which version of the specification to test against. Specifically:

W3C VCDM version numberExpected context

Using the optional validation options

Background: There are a number of properties defined in the W3C Verifiable Credential Data Model specification that are not defined as required in order to support a wide variety of use cases and levels of assurance requirements. For example, the date defining when a credential becomes valid is optional. While this might enable the bulk creation of temporary/preliminary VC that don't yet have a validity period defined at that time, for a number of ecosystems this is a key required field.

Selecting your options: By default, DTT will treat these properties as if they were required, which will impact the conformance test results. If you want a property to be validated as optional, as per the specification, simply change 'true' to 'false' before clicking on Validate JSON.

Option nameData model referenceExplanation
require_proofVCDM 2.0 ch. 4.12The specification recognizes two classes of securing mechanisms, including enveloping proofs, making this embedded proof property optional
require_expiration_dateVCDM 1.1 ch. 4.8Note that this has been replaced by the valid_until property in v2.0
require_credential_statusVCDM 2.0 ch. 4.10The credentialStatus property can define one or more statuses associated with the credential, including a revocation status, but it is optional.
require_holderVCDM 2.0 ch. 4.13A verifiable presentation can define a holder, which can be a key part of the validation process for a Verifier, but is an optional property.
require_valid_from and require_valid_untilVCDM 2.0 ch. 4.9If a validity period is not defined, the VC is assumed to be valid indefinitely from the time it was created.
require_dereferencingVCDM 2.0 ch. 4.2It is recommended that the URI used for identifiers be one that can be dereferenced into a document containing machine-readable information about the id. When set to true, this will for example attempt to resolve the DID used to define the Issuer of a VC. Note that a bit of extra time is required to perform this additional validation.